Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Tata Docomo Rate Cutters

MRP (Rs.)Talkvalue (Rs.)Processing
Fee (Rs.)
03.00---500 Local/National SMS free, Valid till midnight on the pack activation day.
05.00-04.531 Day(s)Free 600 Seconds of Local and STD. Seconds valid for that day till 23.59 hours.
11.00-09.9730 Day(s)Local/ National SMS at 1p/ SMS
12.00-10.885 Day(s)500 Local/National SMS free per day for 5 days (2500 SMS).
14.00-12.7030 Day(s)Night Tariff (11pm to 7am) - 1p/5 sec for On Net Local calls; Day Tariff (11pm to 7am) - 1p/sec; STD - 1p/sec
16.00-14.3530 Day(s)200 Local/National SMS FREE Everyday.
24.00-21.8030 Day(s)International Tariff Benefit - 12p/sec for calls to Saudi Arabia ,UAE , Iran , Iraq , Kuwait
25.00-22.6760 Day(s)Make all On Net Local** Tata to Tata mobile calls @ 1p/2sec.
26.00-23.6030 Day(s)International Tariff Benefit - 5p/sec for calls to US , Canada and UK
28.00-25.4030 Day(s)Night Tariff (11pm to 7am) - 1p/ 3 sec for all local calls; Day Tariff (11pm to 7am) - 1p/sec; STD - 1p/sec
31.00-28.117 Day(s)70 Mins of local and STD calling benefit for 7 days only
35.00-31.73365 Day(s)Do a Juice up of Rs.35 and enjoy 1p for 6secs within Tata 2 Tata local calls & 1p for 1sec for STD calls. 200 Local/National SMS Free/day. (i) First SMS Charged thereafter 200 Local & National SMS Free per day. (ii) First 2 minutes of local Tata to Tata calls everyday will be charged @1p/sec, thereafter all calls for the day @ 1p/6sec.
36.00-32.606 Month(s)Special Tariff for New Subscribers: For every 45 seconds of Call charged @ 1p/sec on Local and STD calls,next 15 sec will be free.
40.00-36.3030 Day(s)On-Net Local Tariff Benefit: 1p/ 6 secs; On-Net STD Tariff Benefit: 1p/ 2 secs.
47.0020.0022.61-(i) 1p/sec for all Local, STD & Roaming calls; (ii) 3000 Local On Net sec free for 6 months, (iii) 100 SMS/ Day free every month with the Handset Bundle offer
51.0035.0011.24-1p/sec for all Local, STD & Roaming calls
52.0025.0025.77-(i) 1p/sec for all Local & STD calls; (ii) 5400 Local & STD sec ( 1800 sec for every month for 3 months); (iii) 90 Local & STD SMS ( 30 SMS for every month for 3 months)
54.00-48.9630 Day(s)Call all Local Mobiles*** @ 1p/2sec. ***Local Mobiles denotes any mobile within Tamil Nadu. Recharge should be done through EVD Special recharge option.
55.00-49.9030 Day(s)All local at 1p/2secs. Offer Period :17th Apr’10 - 17th Jul’10. Local means call to any network within Andhra Pradesh.
56.0035.0015.77-Do First Recharge of Rs.56 and enjoy 1p for 6 secs within Tata 2 Tata local calls & 1p for 2 secs for STD Within BuddyNet. (i) First SMS Charged there after 200 Local & National SMS Free per day. (ii) First 2 minutes of everyday local Tata to Tata will be charged @1p/sec, there after 1p/6sec. (iii) Free trial for First 2 months, there after Rs.7 weekly rental. (iv) Do recharge before 31st Jan'2010 to avail 2 months trial Period.
59.00-53.4930 Day(s)Get all On Net Local** Tata to Tata mobile calls @ 1p/6sec(10p/min). ** On-Net Local Calls - Tata DOCOMO / Tata Indicom (Mobile) / Virgin Mobile. Limited Period Offer: Offer till 15th January'10.
60.00-60.0030 Day(s)SMS Pack - 15000 National and Local SMS Free for Maharashra-Goa Subscribers
61.0030.0025.3030 Day(s)* 1st 60sec of Local Onnet(TATA-TATA) @ 1p/sec and thereafter @ 1p/6sec* * All other Local Calls @ 1p/sec * All STD Calls @ 2p/sec * 200 Local National SMS free for the day and therefater charged at regular rates. * 10 MB free per Month for 3 months.
66.00-59.8330 Day(s)500 Local/National SMS free per day for 30 days (Totaling 15000 SMS)
85.00-85.0030 Day(s)SMS Pack - 15000 National and Local SMS Free for Mumbai Subscribers
98.00-63.8512 Month(s)(i) 1st 120 sec for the day charged @ 1/sec. Thereafter 1p/6sec for Local On Net calls. 1p/2sec for STD On Net calls; (ii) 100 local SMS free. Post 100 Local SMS, all Local/ STD SMS @ 1p. (iii) 1 GB Data free (one time). Post 1 GB, charges @ 1p/20 kb apply
101.0025.0066.57-(i) 18000 Local On Net sec ( 3000 sec for every month for 6 months); (ii) 1p/sec for all Local & STD calls; (iii) 300 local SMS( 50 Local SMS for every month for 6 months)
119.00-107.9090 Day(s)All Local calls @ 1p/2secs. Recharge should be done only through the Special Menu of the EVD SIM. Limited Period Offer: Offer till 30th June 2010.
160.00-145.0630 Day(s)21000 Seconds (350 Minutes) of All Local and STD calling benefit. Offer Till 23rd May '10.


  1. Tata DOCOMO, a unit of Tata Teleservices Limited, is offering its GSM and CDMA cellular services across the country. The company frequently introduces special tariff plans to benefit its customers. It has recently come up with a new free roaming plan for its prepaid CDMA and GSM customers across the country. Online Recharge Docomo

  2. Sir, can you please send me the Idea Prepaid Mumbai Tariff Plans list of internet 3G recharge.
